Starshine Nursery


Starshine Nursery is open Monday-Friday 8am-6pm for 50 weeks of the year. We offer 15 hours and 30 hour funding for children aged 9 months- 4 years.


A refundable deposit of £200 if required to secure a space.


Our fees are payable a month in credit all year round, and are still incurred during absences, e.g. holidays and sicknesses, in order to retain the place.


Funding is applicable from the term after your child’s second or third birthday.


We do also offer fully funded spaces but these are limited


We accept all forms of childcare vouchers, and accept the government’s funded childcare schemes (Tax free childcare).

Funded Childcare for 9 months, 2, 3 and 4 year olds

Funded early years places and extra financial support can be obtained to assist in covering costs of an early years space. You can use this link to find out your options-


To find out more about our pricing, please send us an enquiry or give us a call.